There is a huge emphasis on making visible changes to a district happen, but many times the administrative side of a district is neglected because you can be so focused on “showing” the changes externally.

What people don’t realize is that you can effect a lot more change externally if your internal systems are efficient and current.

Many districts have lofty goals and want to change and improve the spaces withing their geographic boundaries. They want to change the landscape, add banners, create fun spaces, stimulate economy and more. They want their district to be seen as a thriving, living, desirable place to be. There is nothing wrong with their end goals, however, they won’t be able to do those things efficiently if they don’t keep current with the tools and technology that is available to help them.

“We’ve been doing it this way for years, and it works fine for us. we aren’t looking to change any of our systems.”

I normally don’t mind hearing that comment, because I believe if something isn’t broken, you shouldn’t try to fix it. However, hearing that comment from an Improvement District is not something I enjoy hearing. Improvement Districts as whole are created to focus on changing things to make them better. Everything from clean streets and walk ways, to impacting and promoting economic growth in an area. Change is really the only thing that is constant! Realize that changing systems and structure causes growth.

Here are just a few ideas to spark your thinking about changing things up in your office. Take time and evaluate your current systems and process. Make an inventory of those things that are needing to be replaced or upgraded.

  • Is your phone system capable of forwarding calls and having conferences with multiple people?

  • Are your office computers upgraded with the most recent software?

  • Are you using a CRM / Database – to help manage district data like property owners, merchants, and contacts?

  • Do you have the ability to do a conference call complete with speakers and cameras on your existing equipment?

  • Do you have the ability to video conference with programs like Zoom an Skype?

You will be amazed what you see when you take the time to evaluate your current processes in your office. For many districts there is always room to grow and change in this area. As a side note, no matter what changes you decide to make, be sure to communicate to your staff and owners about the changes before , during and after they are implemented.