Picture this:

You need to communicate to a property or business owner ASAP. You search through your contacts in outlook, on your phone, or maybe it’s in an excel directory on your desktop. Wait, maybe it’s on your assistants computer, or on the shared Google doc someone created for your office. Yes, you have finally found the contact in that Google doc!  But wait,  how can you confirm that you are addressing the right property owner? There is no assessment information, or a physical property attached to the contact, only a mailing address of the owner.

Does this sound familiar? This scenario is way to common when speaking about Improvement Districts, whether you are property assessed or business assessed.

There are a minimum of 3 Reasons to Get Improvement District Software

Here are 3 reasons for you to get Improvement District Software:

  1. You will increase productivity by decreasing time spent storing, updating, and accessing data
  2. You can communicate more efficiently to the right people at the right times
  3. You will be able to focus on the things that really matter for your district, instead of data and spreadsheets

Think about the way you and your office currently handle property and business owners, assessment data or even property issues for your Improvement District.  You either have something that works really well, or you have data spread across multiple programs and spreadsheets.   Even if you do have some type of CRM or data management in place, it may not do exactly what you need.

I would ask that you take a minute and ask yourself these questions:

Is the program or are the programs  I am using….

Available to access anywhere there is internet?
Easy to update with current information?
Able to display data in a simple format that can be viewed quickly?
Have the ability to search properties by owner name, phone or email?

Does it allow me to….Improvement District Software

Keep track of issues by property or business address?
Send emails directly to groups or individuals?
Add a photo of the property to each address?
Add documents that are filed by property address? Create an event and track RSVP’s?

You should be able to do all of these and more from one program! For many districts, the concept of having all their data in one place sounds too good to be true, or they believe that having a program that can do that will be way to complicated to use. If your program isn’t  simple to use yet, super intuitive, you need to consider other options.

Of course I would highly recommend PBID Manager Improvement District Software. Not just because it was designed specifically for Improvement Districts, Downtown Associations, Special Districts, etc., but because it works well! Gone are the days where different parts of your data need to be stored in separate folders and files to keep everything straight. This is really the reason PBID Manager was created.

You could say I am biased, and that’s probably true.  I am biased because I have sat in your position and I know the frustration that can come with data that is all messed up.  I know the pain points and I understand that data, on top of all the other issues you have to address,  while rewarding, can be extremely challenging.  I get it.  PBID Manager was designed knowing the data issues districts like yours face everyday.  It wasn’t meant to just be a digital rolodex, but an intuitive solution to make your job easier.

In addition to getting rid of the stress and frustration of data management, you will increase communication within your office and your  district, and that just makes everyone more productive!