Communication To Owners – 5 Reasons It’s Vital
Whether you have just formed your district or you have been a district for years, communication to your property and business owners is VITAL. When we talk about the Ralph M. Brown Act here in California, the legal jargon basically states that you must communicate...
3 Reasons to Get Improvement District Software
Picture this: You need to communicate to a property or business owner ASAP. You search through your contacts in outlook, on your phone, or maybe it's in an excel directory on your desktop. Wait, maybe it's on your assistants computer, or on the shared Google doc...
How To Make Your District the “Resource” for Your Community and Business Owners
How To Make Your District the "Resource" for Your Community and Business owners. Have you personally ever tried to call the county or the city to get help for something you needed? Have you ever been frustrated when no one was able to give you an answer?...
1 Way To Quantify What You Are Doing for Your Improvement District
Most Improvement Districts don't have a solid way to really quantify what they do on a day to day basis. It's true and I understand it. It's challenging to explain the plethora of random calls or requests you can get in a single day. One day you can be getting 5...
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