Everyone wants DATA, DATA, DATA.
It’s everywhere. How many of this? How many of that? What do the numbers say about this? Do you have the stats on that?
I agree that data is vital. It’s our business to know data because we help districts manage data everyday.
But I believe that districts need to be sure they remember WHY they want that data. Do you want the data to get more security and maintenance? Do you want data to compete for that next grant for more funding? Do you want the data to sell your districts vacant spaces?
I’m sure that the answers to all of these questions – and many more like them – is a resounding YES!
Today I would like to take a moment and present maybe a reminder to you of the “WHY” data is so vital.
There are those that this is just a job and reports are nothing more than numbers and stats. I get it. However, for the majority of ED’s and staffers that I have talked to across the country, the world of improvement districts has become a part of who they are and a major part of their lives. For the latter, sometimes trying to improve everything about the district when you really care about it, can seem extremely thankless and sometimes frustrating instead of exciting and positive, because you can easily lose sight of the “WHY.”
What is the “WHY”?
You ARE making a difference in the lives of people.
You are doing what you are doing to improve spaces for people.
You are making your downtown appealing for people.
You are working to improve the quality of life for people.
You are coordinating clean ups and security for people.
You go to all those board meetings, mixers and events for people.
You make a difference when you see data as it relates to people
For those of you who really care about what happens in your district, always remember that you are making a difference in the lives of people now and for the future. It’s true. Without you doing what you are doing, everything would remain status quo.
When you look up those numbers or statistics from your clean and safe teams and see that graffiti and theft are down, realize that you have made a dent in improving quality of life for many people in and around your district.
You do make a huge difference and what you are doing does matter. When you look at reports, data, statistics, remember that those numbers reflect something about people. All you have to do every now and then is remind yourself “WHY” and the data will start to reflect that.